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We’re Here to Invest in You

Our Economic Development Department works closely with our provincial partner, Opportunities New Brunswick, to make sure that businesses coming to Moncton have the information and tools they need, when they need them. We’ll also walk you through all the incentives available to you, as we’re committed to providing exceptional concierge-service. 

We work to build our city’s vibrant downtown core by providing development opportunities that fit our growing culture and community. Moncton has competitive financial incentive programs for you to take advantage of.

Our Financial Incentive Programs

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Downtown & Heritage Properties Financial Incentive Program

Offset some costs related to building and redevelopment including environmental remediation, sustainable development features, and site preparation. This grant is applicable only to specific areas in Moncton.

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Heritage Conservation Board Grant

Conserving designated heritage homes and buildings and consequently the city's history isn't just the right thing to do, it's also the financially savvy thing to do! This incentive program is designed to encourage property owners to meet the spirit and intent of the Heritage Conservation By-Law of the City of Moncton.

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Financial Incentives to Promote Bilingual Commercial Signage

The City of Moncton offers financial incentives to encourage business owners to use a bilingual format for their commercial signage.

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Affordable Housing Grant for New Developments

This grant aims to assist with municipal costs such as building permits, demolition permits, subdivision applications, and more costs associated with developments that create additional affordable units.

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Affordable Housing Grant for Existing Affordable Housing

This grant aims to assist with costs of municipal permits, demolition permits, and other fees associated with the repairing and/or retrofitting of existing affordable units.

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Housing Accelerator Fund

The Housing Accelerator Fund provides funding to local governments for increasing housing supply in their communities.

Get in touch with us for a customized information package with everything you need, tailored to your industry, business, and goals.

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